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UN sustainable development goals

The Benefits

Wild Power certification enables solar farm developers to evidence their commitment to biodiversity in their land use, creating value in stakeholder management, fund raising, compliance and ESG/ TNFD reporting.

Through the creation of premium Wild Power certified energy products Wild Power also has the potential to create monetisation opportunities for projects which comply with Wild Power standards: selling biodiversity-rich power to people wanting to support wildlife with their power purchases.

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Wildpower value areas and benefits

Wild Power creates benefits for developers and operators throughout a solar farm’s lifecycle:

Our scorecard provides a framework for building and operating wildlife-friendly renewable energy sites that make positive contributions to biodiversity, delivering benefits n:

  • Pre-planning and project fundraising;
  • Development and design;
  • On-going stakeholder management and reporting;
  • Premium product development

Our certification enables you to communicate your investment in and commitment to biodiversity. This matters to:

  • Local communities
  • Financiers
  • Shareholders
  • Customers
  • The public
  • The planet

Get involved. Why wouldn’t you?

Sell your power as premium branded ‘Wildpower’

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Clear public statement of commitment to biodiversity.

Contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals 13 and 15, with positive influence on Goals 2 and 14.

Improve compliance with planning consent terms on biodiversity.

Improved relations with local community.

Solar farm biodiversity Solar farm biodiversity

Before & After

Here’s a beautiful and inspiring reason to work with Wild Power. This is Southill Solar Farm from September 2013 – June 2018, before and after implementing their active biodiversity management plan. Just as much electricity, but now alongside wild habitat. This explosion of wildlife, greenery and flowers is our why.

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